ブルーレイ チルドレン・オブ・ボドム 厳選ライブ集 Children of Bodom
ブルーレイ チルドレン・オブ・ボドム 厳選ライブ集 Children of Bodom

販売価格: 1,800円
ブルーレイ チルドレン・オブ・ボドム 厳選ライブ集 Children of Bodom
全プロショットライブ厳選映像集 チルドレン・オブ・ボドム・コンプリート
メニューチャプター付 7時間弱 ブルーレイ 永久保存盤
■Children Of Bodom - Live Complete
●Bloodstock 2019
1. Are You Dead Yet?
2. Under Grass and Clover
3. In Your Face
4. Platitudes and Barren Words
5. Angels Don't Kill
6. This Road
7. Hate Me!
8. Downfall
9. Hate Crew Deathroll
●Hellfest 2018
1- Are You Dead Yet?
2- In Your Face
3- Living Dead Beat
4- I Worship Chaos
5- Angels Don't Kill
6- Warheart
7- Hate Me!
8- Needled 24/7
9- Everytime I Die
10- Downfall
11- Hate Crew Deathroll
12- Towards Dead End
●Summer Breeze 2017
01. Lake Bodom
02. Black Widow
03. Warheart
04. Hate Me!
05. Red Light In My Eyes Pt. II
06. Downfall
07. Everytime I Die
08. Hate Crew Deathroll
09. Bed Of Razors
10. Children Of Bodom
11. The Nail
12. Bodom After Midnight
13. Towards Dead End
●Download Festival 2016
01. Follow The Reaper
02. Silent Night, Bodom Night
03. Hate Me!
04. Trashed, Lost & Strungout
05. Morrigan
06. In Your Face
07. Angels Don't Kill
08. I Worship Chaos
09. Scream For Silence
10. Lake Bodom
11. Children Of Decadence
12. Downfall
●Irving Plaza, New York 2016
01. Needled 24/7
02. Follow The Reaper
03. Living Dead Beat
04. Trashed, Lost & Strungout
05. Morrigan
06. In Your Face
07. My Bodom (I Am the Only One)
08. Everytime I Die
09. Silent Night, Bodom Night
10. I Worship Chaos
11. Angels Don't Kill
12. Lake Bodom
13. Children Of Decadence
14. Hate Me!
15. Downfall
●Hellfest 2015
01. Are You Dead Yet?
02. Sixpounder
03. Hate Me!
04. Silent Night, Bodom Night
05. Everytime I Die
06. Halo Of Blood
07. Scream For Silence
08. Hate Crew Deathroll
09. Lake Bodom
10. Downfall
11. Angels Don't Kill
12. In Your Face
●Resurrection Fest 2015
00) Start
01) Are You Dead Yet?
02) Sixpounder
03) Hate Me!
04) Silent Night, Bodom Night
05) Needled 24/7
06) Everytime I Die
07) Halo of Blood
08) Scream for Silence
09) Downfall
10) In Your Face
全プロショットライブ厳選映像集 チルドレン・オブ・ボドム・コンプリート
メニューチャプター付 7時間弱 ブルーレイ 永久保存盤
■Children Of Bodom - Live Complete
●Bloodstock 2019
1. Are You Dead Yet?
2. Under Grass and Clover
3. In Your Face
4. Platitudes and Barren Words
5. Angels Don't Kill
6. This Road
7. Hate Me!
8. Downfall
9. Hate Crew Deathroll
●Hellfest 2018
1- Are You Dead Yet?
2- In Your Face
3- Living Dead Beat
4- I Worship Chaos
5- Angels Don't Kill
6- Warheart
7- Hate Me!
8- Needled 24/7
9- Everytime I Die
10- Downfall
11- Hate Crew Deathroll
12- Towards Dead End
●Summer Breeze 2017
01. Lake Bodom
02. Black Widow
03. Warheart
04. Hate Me!
05. Red Light In My Eyes Pt. II
06. Downfall
07. Everytime I Die
08. Hate Crew Deathroll
09. Bed Of Razors
10. Children Of Bodom
11. The Nail
12. Bodom After Midnight
13. Towards Dead End
●Download Festival 2016
01. Follow The Reaper
02. Silent Night, Bodom Night
03. Hate Me!
04. Trashed, Lost & Strungout
05. Morrigan
06. In Your Face
07. Angels Don't Kill
08. I Worship Chaos
09. Scream For Silence
10. Lake Bodom
11. Children Of Decadence
12. Downfall
●Irving Plaza, New York 2016
01. Needled 24/7
02. Follow The Reaper
03. Living Dead Beat
04. Trashed, Lost & Strungout
05. Morrigan
06. In Your Face
07. My Bodom (I Am the Only One)
08. Everytime I Die
09. Silent Night, Bodom Night
10. I Worship Chaos
11. Angels Don't Kill
12. Lake Bodom
13. Children Of Decadence
14. Hate Me!
15. Downfall
●Hellfest 2015
01. Are You Dead Yet?
02. Sixpounder
03. Hate Me!
04. Silent Night, Bodom Night
05. Everytime I Die
06. Halo Of Blood
07. Scream For Silence
08. Hate Crew Deathroll
09. Lake Bodom
10. Downfall
11. Angels Don't Kill
12. In Your Face
●Resurrection Fest 2015
00) Start
01) Are You Dead Yet?
02) Sixpounder
03) Hate Me!
04) Silent Night, Bodom Night
05) Needled 24/7
06) Everytime I Die
07) Halo of Blood
08) Scream for Silence
09) Downfall
10) In Your Face